Saturday, May 9, 2009

toast, pizza, pb&J, tortillas, hummus, pancakes

finished off the last of the cream o wheat i cooked yesterday. ate a slice of pizza. toasted some cinnamon raisin bread. ate 1 piece with jam. drank some kombucha

packed lunch:
sauteed diced mustard greens with collard greens and squash and garlic. put on top of a few pieces of leftover pizza. yum.

peanut butter and jelly on cinnamon raisin bread.
carrot. vitamin.

raw cashew hummus 

3 large whole wheat pancakes with raspberry sauce. 3 corn tortillas with black beans.

1 comment:

  1. I've been playing around with the idea of having a (mainly) vegan diet, at least once my garden starts growing. I want to thank you for creating this blog. It's great inspiration. My boyfriend is an unbreakable meat eater, so I mainly follow suit. Perhaps I can steer him in a better direction using some of your meal ideas....

